Why Do Cats Smell Your Mouth?

Why do cats smell your mouth? Cats can pick up on an abnormal smell of the mouth, which is helpful in detecting health conditions such as gum disease. The Vomeronasal organ and pheromones are responsible for this smell, and they likely share a close bond with you. You may wonder if your cat smells your mouth just to get your attention. Fortunately, cats do not give free love!

Vomeronasal organ

Cats can smell things through their vomeronasal organ. It has thirty different kinds of receptors compared to just nine in hound dogs, which means that they can differentiate between more things. Unlike humans, cats use the full Flehmen response to investigate other cats. This organ is crucial in mating, territorial marking, and intraspecific communication. Cats have a highly sophisticated sense of smell, so it’s important that they have an organ that allows them to do that.

To sniff a person’s mouth, cats must have the right stimulus. The flehmen response enables them to detect the smell in someone’s mouth. The upper lip curls back to reveal the teeth, and the cat’s tongue flicks the scent upward to the incisive papilla, which is a fleshy structure above the upper incisors. This structure connects the oral cavity to the vomeronasal organ. It contains fluid-filled incisive canals that can be accessed by a cat.

Flehmen response

You’ve probably noticed your cat grimacing at you after it’s smelled your mouth. While this might make you wonder if your cat is ill, this facial expression is actually perfectly normal. Cats show this expression when they are gathering sensory information, a process called the Flehmen response. Here’s what you should know. This reaction can be triggered by a variety of things, including a smelly human mouth.

Cats react in a variety of ways to the smell of human breath, a response known as the Flehmen Response. It can be seen in many species, and the name derives from German. The term literally translates to “bare teeth and look aggressive.” The science behind this reaction is fascinating, and it can help you understand your cat better. In fact, it can even teach you about cat anatomy.

Sniffing your face

Have you ever wondered why cats always smell your face? It may be a part of their hunting instinct or simply a way to get your attention. Cats may also use smell to wake up or check on you, as well as to play. Whatever the reason, it’s nice to know that your cat is trying to communicate with you. Read on for more information on this curious behavior and how to make it stop. Listed below are some possible explanations.

One possible reason cats do this is to test your face for scent glands. This is known as the flehman response, and is common in most mammals. Humans, however, do not exhibit this response. Nevertheless, all mammals have a special scent gland located behind the teeth, which they use to mark their territory. Cats may not notice this scent gland on the face, but they are still checking to see if you have a similar odor as them. Cats may also use open mouth sniffing for the same reason, and this may seem aggressive.


Like us, cats use their nose to identify different scents and respond to them. Cats have a secondary sense of smell called pheromones, which they pick up with the help of sensory cells in their vomeronasal organ (the roof of the mouth, behind the incisors). They can recognize these molecules and make facial expressions in response to them. Unlike humans, cats do not have an olfactory sense, but their nose can detect pheromones in urine and other liquids.

A cat may also be able to detect certain scents in your mouth and use it to mark your territory. Some cats may associate the sound of cat food bags with dinner time. Others may see you as part of their family and use your mouth as a sign of affection and belonging. No matter the reason, cats do smell your mouth when they have a close relationship with you. However, this behavior should not be taken personally.