The central processing unit is the brain of a computer. It’s responsible for all the calculations that happen inside of a computer. The CPU is also responsible for executing instructions from software programs and translating them into actions the machine can carry out.
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What is a CPU?
Your computer can understand only one language, machine code, which reads from memory. The purpose of a CPU is to execute machine code and produce results.
A CPU executes a set of instructions called an instruction set. Today, the most common instruction set is x86, which is used in most personal computers. Other popular instruction sets include ARM, MIPS, and PowerPC.
When you connect to a website, your computer sends a request for the site’s home page. The server that stores the home page sends the page back to your computer. Your browser then analyzes the code on the page and requests additional files from the server as needed to display the page correctly. This process happens in just a few seconds, but it’s all made possible by the CPU in your computer.
What is a programming language?
A formal programming language comprises a set of instructions used to produce various kinds of output. For example, programming languages are used in computer programming to implement algorithms.
Most programming languages consist of commands for a computer to execute. A programming language is written in a particular form or style, called syntax, which differs from natural languages like English. Rules that determine the correct order of symbols in the syntax are called grammar rules.
Some popular programming languages include C++, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and SQL.
What is the relationship between a programming language and a CPU?
The relationship between a programming language and its running machine is significant but sometimes misunderstood. A program written in a given programming language cannot run on just any device; it must run on some computer that understands that particular language. This relationship can be viewed as falling into three broad categories: direct, indirect, and no connection.
In the direct connection, executed code is directly generated from source code written in the programming language.
How does a CPU work?
At its most basic, a CPU is just a chip that can execute a sequence of instructions called machine code. Each instruction is well defined and has a specific purpose. Machine code instructions are superficial level, often just single operations like “add these two numbers together” or “jump to this address in memory.”
However, writing programs directly in machine code is extremely tedious and error-prone. It is much easier for people to write programs in a high-level language, which can be translated into machine code by a compiler. High-level languages like C++ or Java are closer to human languages like English, with more abstract concepts like variables and control flow.
When you compile a program in a high-level language, the compiler outputs machine code that the CPU can execute. In contrast, interpreted languages like Python or PHP are not compiled ahead of time. Instead, they are interpreted by another program at runtime. The interpreter reads each line of code and executes it on the fly, making for slower execution and more flexible schedules.
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